Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Clothes(ing) the Deal

Cripes, you guys. If I had known that a $150,000 clothing allowance came with the job of Republican Vice Presidential Candidate I might have tried to muscle my way onto McCain's short list myself. Given the apparent rigours of the vetting process Governor Palin underwent to be picked for the number two spot on the GOP ticket, I could have been a serious contender. With my background as a school bus driver and rural mail carrier I have solid experience and an exemplary record in government at both the local and national levels. As to foreign policy credentials: I may not be able to see Russia from my back porch but nobody can downplay the importance of the fact that I have fried doughnuts in grease.

Now I can't claim that I know how to win wars or that I know how to clean up "Worshington" but, my friends, I can tell you this: right here, in the richest country on earth, fully 30% of all middle and working class males are walking around with worn elastic in their underwear. And while $150k could go a considerable way to rectify this travesty, let's face it, I could not spend that amount of money on clothes in a lifetime, with or without accessories.

Not long ago I was looking at a shoebox full of old snapshots with my children--one in high school, one in college, and one post-collegiate--when all the kids started to laugh at a picture of me and my oldest daughter when she was about 7 years old. When it became clear to them that I was flummoxed by their amusement they pointed out that the shirt I was wearing in the photograph taken some two decades past was the same one I currently had on. I still didn't get the joke.

Okay, so I'm no clothes horse. Perhaps my slovenliness tends to the extreme but if you saw me on the street I would look like an ordinary citizen. I own one nice suit. It's about ten years old and may even have been dry cleaned once, I'm not sure. I can go to a wedding, a funeral, or a graduation ceremony without feeling self-conscious or embarrassing the celebrants thereof, at least not because of my attire.

All seriousness aside, I suppose if you're a politician looking for votes it makes sense to look your best. But cripes, you guys. If most people could pay off their mortgages and send a child to college with the passel you have for a clothing allowance designed just to get you through the campaign it should occur to you that something is amiss. If you are going to pay $400 for a haircut or $700 for designer eyeglass frames or $300,000 for an outfit to wear to the convention then please stop telling us that the terrorists hate us for our freedoms.


K. R. Mudgeon said...

Hey, Man, back off on Sarah! She spent a big chunk of that in Minnesota! Our economy took a big jump because of that.

Patriots spend to spur the economy. You're probably an anti-
American who should be investigated, and we in the Go-Far state have got the girl to do it!

Unknown said...

What I want to know is WHEN she had time to get the clothes altered... she sure looks good for a woman who just had a baby! And another thing -- those clothes could get SOLD to fund the next campaign... Oprah has a store in Chicago where she sells her one-wear stuff (for charity) and it gets snapped up. Don't return it, turn it around -- into a profit! That's "thrifty" Sarah!

Weary Wolf said...

Cripes you guys! If I had known that a TRILLION bucks of taxpayer money would be slated to "stimulate" the US economy and then actually stimulate little, if anything, but rather pay back favors and create more jobs in the public sector and increase big government...blah, blah, blah...also known as "Pelosi Syndrome".

Well, I might have voted for the old republican!